Sooooo OK OK OK!! I admitted I was a slacker with my weekly update posts with P90 and I SOOOO apologize for that!! BUT the results are in and I am going to be 100% honest with you on this one!!!
P90 was a GREAT program, I actually love changing it up and this was a nice switch up for sure! BUT 90 days is ROUGH and it's alot, let's be honest!! It got a little repetitive and I feel like some days I was just going through the motions. In my opinion, this program is definitely GREAT for someone who is just starting on their journey or getting back into working out, I wouldn't recommend for someone who has done harder/more intense programs such as FocusT25 or the 21 Day Fix. With that being said, my results are in and I did exactly what I wanted to do, toned up and maintained my weight!!!
My measurements:
Before: After:
Arm: 9.5 Arm 9.5
Bust: 28.5 Bust 28.5
Waist: 25 Waist: 25
Hips: 33 Hips: 33
Thighs: 18 Thighs: 18
Weight: 111.8 Weight: 111.0
Mission Accomplished! |
I can say that I am happy with my results from P90, losing more weight was not something that I wanted so this worked out perfectly for me!! I can definitely see more toning & shaping of that boooootttyyyy {which by the way was NON EXISTENT before Beachbody! ;)} and that's what I wanted!!
Today I started my Insanity Max 30 journey and I couldn't be more excited but I must say I am gonna miss my weights/sculpting exercises from P90!!
Insanity Max 30 is NO JOKE!!! Let me just tell you that!!! Cardio, cardio and MORE cardio!! But I loved every minute of it!! Having ShaunT yelling and pushing me through when I am sooooo ready to give up is just what I needed after P90! (Tony Horton is much more laid back!) I cannot wait to see what the next 60 days brings, I know this workout program is going to push me harder than I have ever been pushed and I am excited for that and to grow through this program!
I maxed out @ 16:52 very PROUD moment!!!
NOW onto everyone's favorite part......the FOOD!!!! Insanity Max 30 follows the 21 Day Fix meal plan with the containers which is soooooo COOL!!! I have been following a pretty good plan of my own but wanted to step it up a notch with Insanity Max 30 to maximize my results so I sat down with the book, planned out my meals and voila! Meal plan=DoNeZo!!
Ssssshhhh....Meal Planning in Progress!!! |
It's nothing too crazy and I am totally used to eating the same thing daily because that is what works for me (everyone is different!), whatever works for you stick to it! I am not saying this meal plan is right or wrong I just know that it has worked for me! With that being said I plan to stick to this 100% throughout the week and give myself some 'cheats' in moderation on the weekends! I will most definitely be having my 'comfort food' and healthiest meal of the day of Shakeology everyday for sure!!! Shakeology does a body good! Here is what I have come up with for my 1st week meal plan and I was shocked, I was actually FULL today and wasn't hungry or 'hangry' (angry/hungry LOL!)!!
I am so excited to go on this journey and cannot wait to share it with you!! I plan to share weekly updates (if my life isn't CRAZY!!) with you so you can go on this journey with me!!
If you have EVER wondered what all this crazy Beachbody/Shakeology is all about, let's chat and see if one of these AMAZING programs would be a good fit for you!!!