Thursday, May 28, 2015

Back to Basics: June Health & Fitness Challenge

Did you takes 21 days to form a habit???
WELL that's perfect because in just 21 Days you can have the body & the confidence you've always wanted!! AND just in time for summer & bikini season!!

HOW you ask? With my *21 Day Summer Challenge ------>> BACK TO THE BASICS*
{{starting June 1st}}, of course!!

In this group you will get EVERYTHING you need to be successful on your journey:
*Motivation & Accountability
-1:1 Coach Support
*Healthy Tips & Recipes
-Personal Growth

If you are ready to get BACK TO THE BASICS, please fill out the form below to secure your spot!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

On My Way to Living ------>>> Financially FREE!!!

I get giddy every time I am able to hit the 'submit' button on a payment that is more than the minimum monthly payment!! And this one was no different!!! Because of my Beachbody paycheck last week I was able to submit a $200 payment on another credit card! 

To some this may not be a big deal but for someone who 1 yr ago was drowning in debt (not telling her husband what she owed), paying minimum monthly payments with no end in sight, this is HUGE!!  AND by month end the remaining $560 balance on this card will be PAID IN FULL!!! Gggaahhhhhh to say that brings tears to my eyes!! That makes credit card #6 that Beachbody has contributed to helping me pay off!! I couldn't be more blessed and thankful for this opportunity!!  And to think I get to do what I love everyday!!!
I share this with you because I want you to know, if you are stuck, drowning in debt or just want to do something you love this opportunity could be for you and it could totally change your life!! Ask yourself this ----- Why not me??? 

 Soooooo if you have ever for 1 second wondered if this Beachbody Coaching thing is for you.....JOIN ME starting May 25th for a FREE informational, closed Facebook group on 'What I Do As A Beachbody Coach'? (Fill out the application below and I will add you to the group!!)     
