SOOOOO I hope you ALL had a GREAT Thanksgiving Holiday!!! Sorry this is coming to you so late and a week behind, BUT >>>>>
<<<<< the last 2 weeks have been crazy busy around here!! With hosting Thanksgiving for our 1st time EVER, work and the day in-day outs of life, it's been hectic to say the least! And let me tell you it HAS NOT been easy getting my workouts in and sticking to my nutrition, that's for sure! I may have slip ups sometimes but I will not let a busy life let those old/bad habits creep back into my life and ruin all my hardwork!!
With that being said let's get into my FINAL week (week #4/Month #1) of P90....2 words, NOT EASY!! I was in a FUNK for some reason, not sure what it was but I did get my workouts in everyday, some days were much harder to get it done than others but thankfully with my 'accountability partner in crime' by my side it made it much easier on the tough days to push myself! I ALWAYS say how important it is to have accountability and support and this week for me proved that to be TRUE!!
**I DID IT!!! I finished my 1st month of P90 and I couldn't be happier!!**
I was soooooo excited to be starting my Month #2/Week #5 of P90! I am absolutely LOVING this workout program! The incorporation of weights, cardio and full body workouts is very challenging and I am hooked!! I definitely had a LOVE/HATE relationship with Tony Horton this past week >>>> Month #2 definitely takes it up a notch, it's been awhile since a workout program made me sore for an entire week and P90 accomplished that this past week!!! It was another tough week for me and I struggled (I think it's this crappy weather....I need some SUN in my life!) but I didn't use it as an excuse to take a break or slack off! No matter how I felt I got my workout done and gues what??? I ALWAYS felt better afterwards!

I am not one to sugar coat things for others and I am even harder on myself so here it is......even though I got my workouts in no matter what, I totally struggled with my eating!!! With Thanksgiving, hecticness of the holidays and stress it was rough! I did NOT go overboard but I definitely indulged more than I would've liked over the past 2 weeks!! I have not gained any weight (ALL thanks to my savior ----> Shakeology!), thankfully but I just don't feel GOOD, I feel tired, bloated and just BLAH and I am not liking it at all!!
(Love my Vegan Chocolate: Salted Caramel Pretzel Shakeology)
(*1 Packet/Scoop of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology)
(*1/2 Cup Original Silk Almond Milk)
(*1 bottle of water)
(*1 Tsp of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt)
(*1 Tsp of Caramel Extract)
(*about 10-12 pieces of ice, blend and ENJOY!!)
It is time to kick my own A** outta this little funk I am in and *suck it up buttercup*!! I am done with feeling crappy like I have the past 2 weeks and I am going ALL in from here on out! Christmas is coming and I am setting myself up for success for 2015!!
Meal planning and prepping for this week took place today (blog coming soon on that!) and I am ready to take this week head on!! Sometimes it gets tough and it's not always pretty but when you feel like throwing in the towel (I felt that way a few times over the past 2 weeks) remember WHY you started on this journey and let that be your driving force to KEEP GOING and NEVER GIVE UP!
If you are ready to set yourself up for {SUCCESS IN 2015} message me NOW, today!! Trust me, the conditions will never be perfect, but there is no better time than now to commit to YOU and to ring in the New Year on the right track!!
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