Monday, April 11, 2016


Soooooo I am about to get REAL, REAL with you…….

You see me NOW working out everyday and eating right (for the most part) BUT if you knew my entire weight loss/fitness journey you’d most definitely ‘insert jaw drop’!

When people look at me they never would think that I struggled with body image MOST of my adult life….constantly on a mission to find that quick fix & CONSTANTLY telling myself how “hideous I looked in that shirt”/ “OMG your love handles are hanging over your pants”/ “Seriously you will never look like those models in that catalogue, you aren’t pretty enough or skinny enough” annnnndddd the list of body shaming things that I said to myself could go on & on & on…..

I have tried it ALL….
Going to the gym
Diet Pills
Protein Shakes
Eating Healthy w/minimal workouts
GNC Total Lean Shakes
Ohhhh ya MORE diet pills or whatever weight loss supplement was the NEW thing
Not eating past 7pm (but still eating not so great things)

As you can imagine NONE of the above worked (SHOCKER!!!) Soooooo one day I got sick & tired of 1. being sick and tired and 2. realized I needed a REAL change on the inside & out!
Little did I know that that 1 decision would CHANGE MY LIFE!! The decision to finally say ‘screw it’, stop feeling sorry for myself and invest in an at home workout program (that came with a full blown, simple to follow nutrition plan, the support & accountability of SO MANY women just like ME & a HEALTHY #superfoods shake) kicked that body shaming ME to the curb and welcomed in this positive, inspired, motivated, determined, passionate ME!

Sounds a little like a fairytale, uh?? Welllll let me tell you I was just as skeptical as the next person (I ignored my coach for 6 months #sorryAllison)! I didn’t think that I could afford it, I didn’t think I’d stick with it and I sure didn’t think I’d see results. BUT then all those mean, body shaming things I used to say to myself creeped back in and I realized I didn’t want to feel that way anymore or treat myself that way anymore… I went for it!! I had nothing to lose and everything to gain!

All it took was a little rearranging of my priorities and a shift in my mindset!

I no longer spend money on ‘diet’ anything and I definitely don’t enjoy my old ‘go to’ breakfast (powdered donuts & a diet soda) anymore! Ohhhhh and like I said above….the shift in mindset was the turning point for me!! I no longer said mean/hateful things to myself when I looked in the mirror, I replaced them with things like “you can do this”, “don’t give up”, “I LOVE YOU!”

So, why share all of this with you??? To show you that YOU can do this too!! And if you are where I was 2 years ago and constantly shaming & hating on yourself, YOU NEED to hear this!

Did it take work? You bet ya!
Did I get results? UMMMM HELLO!!!
BUT what I gained was worth so much MORE than all of that!! I finally loved myself for ME, I have accepted my flaws & imperfections and when I see these pictures of myself with some winter fluff, a slightly higher # on the scale….I don’t freak out and ‘hate on’ myself…..I reign it in, use the tools that I KNOW work, go back to WHY I started this in the first place and I do the DAMN THING!

ALL of that is worth it to me! Making the choice to decide that I was WORTH IT was the BEST decision I’ve ever made!!!

So what is it that’s holding you back??
Think about that and then let's chat!! 



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