Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WHY I Decided to Become a Beachbody Coach

Are you truly happy with where you are in your life? Are there things you would like to change in your life? Do you feel like there is something MORE or BIGGER out there for you? If you have ever asked yourself 1 or all of these questions, it is time to take action and take control of your life!!
I was in a position 10 yrs ago when I was asking myself these questions more often than I care to say….I was finding myself in bad relationship after bad relationship, I wasn’t my happy/bubbly/outgoing self, I was a college dropout (which I was EXTREMELY embarrassed about!) and I just really didn’t like who I had become or the road my life was going down! I decided one day that I wasn’t going to keep asking myself these questions and feeling sorry for myself and that I needed to make a change and take control over my life because I knew this was not how my story was going to end!
When I took action and stopped feeling sorry for myself things totally changed in my life, I met a wonderful man (my now husband) and things were GREAT!! I had finally let my guard down and found my soulmate….fast forward 8yrs and everything with us was awesome but there was still something missing for me….I was not 100% happy with ME and I needed to change that, so I started going to an awesome fitness center/gym that offered zumba, bootcamp and other classes and I was on a roll but still not seeing the results I so badly wanted to see, so I borrowed FocusT25 from someone {{YES I borrowed it!}}. That was the BEST thing I could’ve done for myself and my husband, we did it together for the 10wks and seen AMAZING results from it and at the end of it I said to him, I think I’m going to talk to Allison about becoming a coach and sharing this amazing workout program with others..and to my surprise he said:
>“GO FOR IT babes I support you 100%”< that was all I needed to hear! I contacted Allison the next day and said “heyyy how are you? Hope all is well…I’m ready to sign up to be a coach!” I’m pretty sure she was like ‘WHAT??’ hahaha but I knew she believed in me because she stuck with me through all of my ‘no I’m not interested’ moments!
Now that I finally said YES, and I’m part of an AMAZING company and group of inspiring, supportive, uplifting individuals I couldn’t be happier and only regret that I didn’t do it sooner!! I want to be your motivator and help you, you don't know it but you help me just as much as I help you!
I am so happy and excited to be a part of Beachbody and I want to share it with YOU! This company is not just about the programs or Shakeology, it is a lifestyle, MY LIFESTYLE and it's about helping others! I never thought I’d be here today talking to you about very personal things in my life, living life by design or financial freedom, but I am and I am on my way to living MY life by design and having financial freedom for me and my future family!


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