Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Meal Prepping Made Easy

Every Sunday morning is Meal Prep Sunday in our household! I never thought I'd be spending 2-3 hours on Sunday mornings prepping and planning food for a whole week! 1. I used to think the food would spoil or go bad....if it is packaged properly it WILL NOT, 2. I never thought my hubby would go for it.....surprisingly enough he LOVES that his meals are ready whenever he wants them, and 3. I never thought I'd have the patience or time to spend 2-3 hrs. cooking in one day.....WELL, little did I know that it was going to make my life SOOOOOOO much easier!! I now have time to get my workouts in and do things around the house during the week instead of on the weekends because I am not spending an hour each night cooking dinner then cleaning up dinner. Meal prepping and planning has saved me so much time and energy and I will never go back to the cooking dinners every night, our meals will always be prepped beforehand!

I'll give ya a little glimpse into how my Sunday mornings go! We don't have any kids so it is a little bit easier because we aren't picky and are totally ok with eating the same stuff! A few years back my husband was training to participate in a body building competition so I learned the healthy eating habits/meal prep through that process, so we follow a 'mostly' clean eating meal plan now that is similar to what body builders or fitness competitors would follow.

What I make: Chicken, Whole Wheat Pasta or Gluten Free Pasta, Veggies (mostly broccoli, zucchini and sweet potatoes), Egg whites and my healthy version of chicken salad for the hubster to take to lunch daily. I make enough for 10 meals for each of us and I divide them up and package them into containers for each meal (lunch/dinner).

When it comes to breakfast we usually always have Shakeology or we will switch it up and add egg whites and whole wheat toast or whole wheat blueberry waffles with all natural peanut butter!

Just wanted to share a little of how I meal prep and give you a glimpse into how to get started! You have to find what works for you and your family but once you start prepping your meals you will not go back to cooking daily when you see how much time you are  saving!


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