Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Who Are You to Judge?

Did you ever just have people in your life that don't understand or want to judge you for the things and choices that you make? We all have had that one friend or family member who didn't believe or couldn't wait for us to fail, the BEST part is when you succeed and they are left wishing and hoping that they made better choices instead of sitting and judging you and your journey!

I am working on myself inside and out and never say I'm perfect nor want to be portrayed that way because I'm definitely not at all!! I have many flaws and have failed many times in my life but one thing that I have learned is judging people gets you nowhere in life and only makes you look ignorant.

Everyone's on a different journey and to judge someone for the choices they are making or the life they are living is just ignorant. Just surround yourself with good, positive people and be happy to have those people in your life that DO accept YOU  and your choices and DO understand YOU and your choices and forget about the IGNORANT people, they will wake up and see the light one day!

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